Friday, April 30, 2010

On the road again………….

Since mom had been off work for the last few weeks she has been taking Camron home on Thursday  to spend the night.  Well shortly after they got home dad pulled up in the semi.  Mom and dad talked about Camron riding to work with grandpa in the semi the next day and of course Camron was excited about doing that.  I guess half way thru the evening Camron asked if he could come home, but they reminded him if he went home them he couldn’t ride in the semi in the morning. “oh yeah that's right, I guess I will stay then” was his answer. Mom said when Camron heard grandpa get up he jumped out of his bed and was ready to roll.  So the boys left first and mom followed them in their van  10 mins later.  Come to find out grandpa and Camron even went garage sailing  on the way to work.  Now how many people do that??


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Going up. He did great climbing up in the semi with no help!



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Buckled up and lets go. He looks so small in the cab of the semi



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You can see Camron in this first photo but in the second you can see his forehead and dad waving.

He had a blast!

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