Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy birthday big girl!!

Well today marks my babys big girls 6th birthday. Where has the time gone? I remember finding out that I was pregnant. I was scared! What kind of mom will I be, can I be a good mom? But when I laid eyes on that beautiful little baby, I fell in love, and I knew we would be ok. (my "d" drive isn't working I so badly wanted to post a baby picture of her) She was a great baby. She was a fast moving baby. Katey stared crawling at 6month and walking at 9 months and since then she hasn't stopped moving! If you ask me she has grown up way too fast, I miss my little baby who would cuddle. Its like she's in limbo between babyhood and childhood. One minute she wants to cuddle then the next forget it. We have been thru a broken arm, almost 2 yrs ago now, cut upper eye lid, and if you look close enough you can see the scar. She is this little sweet girl, and she is this feisty little devil. I have enjoyed these last 6 years of learning about myself being a mommy, learning about my little girl. I can't wait to see where the next 6 years take us to. As I look in the future I see this sweet little girl who will be surrounded by many friends, who will stand up for herself and others. I can see her being a great mom, a great friend, and most of all a great daughter. I love you baby girl. I will love you no matter what you do.
"i love you forever,
i like you for always
as long as i am living
my baby you will be

Happy birthday pumpkin!

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