Saturday, September 6, 2008

The tooth fairy came!

Tuesday Sept 2, I had to take Camron to the dentist for a cleaning, but I noticed that friday he was playing with his front tooth with his tongue. I tried to "pick" it out but it was stuck. I had mom look at it, she wasn't able to get it out either! I thought to myself good thing he goes to the dentist soon. All weekend long I tried to pick it out but still it was stuck. So off Camron and I go to the dentist, and yes this was also Katey's first day at school also. Well the dentist called me in the morning to see if I was able to bring him in on the 2nd since his appt was on the 3rd, I told them yeah, so I jumped on the phone and called my friend and lifesaver most days, Doreen to see if she was able to watch the kids so I didn't have to drag them with me and now Iam happy I didn't have to take them! So anyhow, I told the lady about his tooth, she told me they would look at it. About 20 min later out Camron comes and with smiles on his face, no cavities! YES!! Asked her if she noticed the tooth, no they didn't notice anything, and at this time I bent down and showed her, "OH" she said, off Camron goes again for different x-rays. At this time I am thinking he's never gonna want to go to the dentist again. Out he comes again, still smiling, what a trooper. This time the dentist comes out and asks me if he has had any mouth trauma, ummm, does sibling fighting count?? You know how it goes they fight and one always comes out bleeding. He has had plenty of bloody lips but none that stick out in my mind that I was able to think of. Well he fractured his front baby tooth, that's what I have been trying to pick out since friday afternoon! The fracture went below the gum line also. Well either leave it in, and hope it don't hurt his adult teeth, or infection sets in OR just take it out. I choose to send the poor boy back in to the chair. Once again Iam thinking never again is he gonna let me take him to the dentist again, after being set to the chair for the 3rd time!!! I know when Katey got her teeth fixed she came out crying not wanting to go back ever again, so yeah I pictured Camron coming out crying and wanting his beloved blanket, and us without it, since we left it at home. Well next thing I knew here he comes, not crying, not caring what really happened to him, just caring his little bag with floss, a new tooth brush, 2 dinosaurs in it. They said he did great no crying in the back either!! He did take a nap on the way home(hey where can I get some of that gas? since he never naps HAHAHA) I think with his age he really didn't understand the whole tooth fairy idea. He did get a golden dollar and 2 little toys,and the best of all yellow fairy dust on his pillow! If you ask him what happened to his tooth he will tell yah "the dentist took it out" So Iam hoping that in 6 months he will be as good as he was this time around and I hope when we leave we will be leaving with all his teeth in his mouth!!

goofy face but you can see where his tooth is missing
Just looking cute the other day.

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